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A young child expressing frustration outdoors with the added text "Where is my order?

How To Make WISMO (Where Is My Order) Disappear!

17 February, 2022

Suzy does not know when her new toy will be delivered. Suzy is angry. She is about to phone your call center and ask some tough questions. Are you ready for Suzy?

What about if Suzy never calls because she knows precisely where her toy is and at what time it’s planned to arrive? 

Here at Dispatch Science, we have seen most of our customers enjoy drops of over 80% in WISMO (Where Is My Order) calls, and in some cases, they were almost completely eliminated!



Take a look at Google Trends for keyword “track package” to see how many people are searching the term over time. The chart is clear, and even when ignoring pandemic peaks, the upward trend is obvious:

Evolution of the term Track Package on Google Trends.

Google trends for term “track package” since 2004.

The continued growth in eCommerce pushes the trend. So does increased demand for home delivery of all sorts of goods, from food to pharmaceuticals, and increasing customer expectations for rapid and transparent deliveries of their online orders.

As a result, customer inquiries about order status, and the associated cost of responding, have also grown. If not managed, WISMO calls can take a tremendous amount of time for the customer services teams of both shippers and carriers. Eliminating preventable inquiries will allow teams to focus on real issues, and could reduce overall call center costs and increase ROI.



So, how do you reduce WISMO? Above all, be visible throughout the delivery journey. Integrations allow a seamless flow of information between shippers, carriers and customers. Set clear expectations at the onset by setting a delivery window. Then, send proactive emails and SMS texts as the order goes through the different delivery stages. Send automatic event-triggered alerts when or if delays occur. Offer a link to a tracking page customers can visit at any time to monitor the progress of their order in real-time, without having to call you. Suppose there are returns to deal with, set up a seamless returns management process. Finally, customize these communications to generate more engagement with your customer.



Simply put, Dispatch Science has the technology platform you need to enable proactive, real-time, and branded communication throughout practically any delivery journey. Our solution can dramatically reduce customer anxiety regarding shipment status and allow you to focus on other aspects of your business.


Real-time visibility

At Dispatch Science, we achieve real-time visibility by pairing driver and warehouse worker location data on their smartphones with dynamically optimized delivery route plans achieved through the cloud’s computational power. This combination allows dispatchers to see up-to-the-minute order status and location information on their dispatch boards and immediately take action if necessary. Our API enables carriers and shippers to quickly set up a fully automated communication channel that ensures every piece of information is available to all.

Real-time driver visibility on the dispatch map.

Real-time driver visibility on the dispatch map.


Branded visibility

Depending on strategic objectives, shippers and carriers may adopt a variety of branding directions. Some shippers may want their brand to dominate all customer interactions. Others may prefer to let carriers use their brand for the last mile. As a highly configurable platform, Dispatch Science allows total freedom for shippers and carriers to achieve their marketing goals as they best see fit.

Dispatch Science makes it easy to achieve branding objectives with totally customizable email and SMS alerts.

Dispatch Science makes it easy to achieve branding objectives with totally customizable email and SMS alerts. 

Dispatch Science makes it easy to achieve branding objectives with totally customizable email and SMS alerts.


Custom visibility

Dispatch Science goes way beyond standard alerts and notifications. In effect, the platform provides a sophisticated notifications template editor, with out-of-the-box support for the creation of customized alerts at any point of data capture, plus predictive ETA’s at any time before or after (think customer satisfaction survey) delivery.


Two way B2B visibility

One secret to successful business partnerships is open communication channels. With the Dispatch Science client portal, shippers gain complete real-time visibility into every order they entrust to their carrier, and carriers receive order information that never goes through a human distorting filter like a phone or manually completed form.

Real-time B2B visibility

Real-time B2B visibility



With the right delivery management software system in place, you will dramatically reduce WISMO calls, and increase customer satisfaction. It will also give you the tools you need to quickly design profitable solutions for your next new customers.

Want to learn how Dispatch Science can help? Get in touch with our sales team and request a demo today!



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